

  • One must register a Main Program first, then Workshops and Education Course for Professional Instructors can be registered.
  • Workshops are registered by first come first serve. Workshop registration can be completed only after making payment.
  • Please check the International Participants page for specific registration fee.
  • It is recommended to complete your payment for KoreAnesthesia 2018 before October 8 in order to receive a pre-registration benefit.

Refund policy & Cancellation

  • If you have already registered for the conference and find yourself unable to attend or in need to cancel the paper, please notify the secretariat through email to request a refund and cancel your registration.
  • A request for cancelling registration must be pre-notified to the secretariat through email. Cancelling one’s registration by phone is NOT accepted.
  • Refund will be made upon receipt of this written notification after the conference. All bank service charges are to be paid by the registrant.
  • Transferring registration fee to another applicant is NOT accepted.
By the deadline for Pre-registration
(By October 8, 2018)
After the deadline for Pre-registration
(From October 9, 2018)
Refundable Non-refundable

* All dates are based on the Korean standard time (GMT+9 hours).